Project tabs group
Many real world systems possess a rich multi-level structure and exhibit complex dynamics that are the result of a web of interwoven interactions among elements with autonomous decision-making capabilities. CONGAS will develop new mathematical models and tools, rooted in game theory, for the analysis, prediction and control of dynamical processes in such complex systems.
CONGAS will provide a coherent theoretical framework for understanding the emergence of structure and patterns in complex systems, accounting for interactions spanning various scales in time and space, and acting at different structural and aggregation levels. This framework will be built around game theoretical concepts, in particular evolutionary and multi-resolution games, and will include also techniques drawn from graph theory, statistical mechanics, control and optimization theory. Specific attention will be devoted to systems that are prone to intermittency and catastrophic events due to the effect of collective dynamics.
The theory developed in the project will be validated by considering three use cases, one on the growth of the Internet, one on business ecosystems and one on viral marketing dynamics in Internet marketplaces.
The CONGAS Consortium comprises seven universities and research institution and includes leading scientists in game theory, evolutionary games, complex systems science, network science and data-driven analysis of socio-technical systems.
Discussions between scientists
Discussions between scientists on equilibria concept for complex systems in the Stony Brook international game theory conference. To the right, Ilaria Brunetti, PhD student at INRIA, who has presented a new concept of equilibrium in evolutionary game, part of her work.
Eitan Altman received the Isaacs Award
Eitan Altman received the Isaacs Award in recognition for his "outstanding contribution to the theory and applicationsn of dynamic games" on 11 July 2014, Amsterdam, during the 16th International Symposium of Dynamic Games.
WP Project meeting Sophia
WP Meeting was held in Sophia Antipolis (France) on 25-27 June 2014. The meeting was hosted at Inria Sophia Antipolis, Room Euler Bleu, 2004 Route des Lucioles, Sophia Antipolis.
WP Project meeting Pisa
WP Meeting was held in Pisa (Italy) on 10-12 March 2014. The meeting was hosted at the CNR , in Room 40, Building A, in the Direzione di Area.
WP Meeting Delft
WP Meeting was held in Delft (Netherlands) on 17-19 June 2013. Misako Takayasu from TIT Tokyo, Japan, and Stefano Bonacorsi from the Department of Mathematics in of the University of Trento have been joining the.
WP Project meeting
The meeting has been hosted at Centro Congressi of the NH Ambasciatori on Monday April 15th. The Hotel is located in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 104 - 10121 Turin.
A dinner on the evening of Sunday 14th has occur before the physical meeting: Restaurant La Flegrea located in Corso D'.
Physical Meeting
The physical meeting has been hosted at CERI Avignon, which is located in Agroparc, approximately 10Km from Avignon downtown. The meeting will last from 26th November 2012 late morning to 27th November 2012. Address: CERI 339 chemin des Meinajaries, Agroparc BP 1228, 84911 Avignon cedex 9.
Virtual Kick Off Meetin
Virtual Kick Off Meeting. The virtual meeting has been hosted on GoToMeeting as a virtual conference call. The meeting has lasted 2 half days: on the morning of the 22th October 2012 on the morning of the 23th .

Title | Type | Year |
Supporting the development of network-aware reactive applications on smartphones | International Conferences | 2014 |
Geolocation of Internet hosts using smartphones and crowdsourcing | International Conferences | 2015 |
Lessons learned from the design, implementation, and management of a smartphone-based crowdsourcing system | International Conferences | 2013 |
Network Sensing through Smartphone-based Crowdsourcing | International Conferences | 2013 |
Sensing the Internet through crowdsourcing | International Conferences | 2013 |
Beat-Your-Rival Routing Game | International Conferences | 2015 |
Localized Epidemic Detection in Networks with Overwhelming Noise | International Conferences | 2015 |
Formation Games of Reliable Networks | International Conferences | 2015 |
Real-time BGP Monitoring with Isolario and BGPlay in Ripe Labs | International Conferences | 2015 |
Measuring the Internet Topology with Smartphones | International Conferences | 2015 |
New lower bounds for the fundamental weight of the principal eigenvector in complex networks | International Conferences | 2014 |
Accuracy criterion for the mean-field approximation in SIS epidemics on networks | International Conferences | 2015 |
Stochastic Coalitional Better-response Dynamics and Strong Nash Equilibrium | International Conferences | 2015 |
Network Formation Games with Teams | International Conferences | 2014 |
Semi-supervised Learning with Regularized Laplacian | International Conferences | 2015 |
Normalized Nash Equilibrium for Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks | International Conferences | 2015 |
Social Networks: A Cradle of Globalized Culture in the Mediterranean Region | International Conferences | 2015 |
Evolutionary Games for Multiple Access Control: From Egoism to Altruism | International Conferences | 2014 |
Cooperation in Groups : An Evolutionary Games Approach | International Conferences | 2014 |
Predicting Popularity Dynamics of Online Contents Using Data Filtering Methods | International Conferences | 2015 |
Core stable algorithms for coalition games with complementarities and peer effects | International Conferences | 2015 |
About Joint Stable User Association and Resource Allocation in Multi-Rate | International Conferences | 2015 |
Controlled Matching Game for User Association and Resource Allocation in Multi-Rate WLANs | International Conferences | 2015 |
On the Design of a Reward-Based Incentive Mechanism for Delay Tolerant Networks | International Conferences | 2015 |
A game theoretic model for network virus protection | International Conferences | 2015 |
Posting behavior in Social Networks and Content Active Filtering | International Conferences | 2015 |
Controlling the Katz-Bonacich Centrality in Social Network: Application to gossip in Online Social Networks | International Conferences | 2015 |
State policy couple dynamics in evolutionary games | International Conferences | 2015 |
Random time delays in evolutionary game dynamics | International Conferences | 2015 |
Delayed evolutionary game dynamics with non- uniform interactions in two communities | International Conferences | 2014 |
From epidemics to information propagation: Striking differences in structurally similar adaptive network models | International Conferences | 2015 |
Designing virus-resistant networks: a game-formation approach | International Conferences | 2015 |
Decentralized Protection Strategies against SIS Epidemics in Networks | International Conferences | 2015 |
Rejuvenation and the spread of epidemics in general topologies | International Conferences | 2014 |
The Italian Coffee Queue: A dynamic priority discipline for multi-class queues | International Conferences | 2015 |
Understanding the diffusion of YouTube videos | International Conferences | 2014 |
Activation Games in Online Dating Platforms | International Conferences | 2015 |
Optimal Open-Loop Control of Online Advertisement | International Conferences | 2014 |
Coordination of epidemic control policies: A game theoretic perspective | International Conferences | 2014 |
Modeling Rewards and Incentive Mechanisms for Delay Tolerant Networks | International Conferences | 2014 |
Worst-Case Coalitions in Routing Games | International Conferences | 2013 |
Pricing Agreement between Service and Content Providers: A Net Neutrality Issue | International Conferences | 2013 |
Game theory approach for modeling competition over visibility on social networks | International Conferences | 2014 |
Regulation of off-network pricing in a nonneutral network | International Conferences | 2014 |
Differential games of competition in online content diffusion | International Conferences | 2014 |
Well-argued recommendation: adaptive models based on words in recommender systems | International Conferences | 2013 |
Network Non-Neutrality through Preferential Signaling | International Conferences | 2013 |
Bio-inspired paradigms in Network Engineering Games | International Conferences | 2014 |
Game theoretic approaches for studying competition over popularity and over advertisement space in social networks | International Conferences | 2012 |
A stochastic game approach for competition over popularity in social networks | International Conferences | 2013 |
A Markov Decision Evolutionary Game for the study of a Dynamic Hawk and Dove Game | International Conferences | 2013 |
Complete game-theoretic characterization of SIS epidemics protection strategies | International Conferences | 2014 |
A Time and Space Routing Game Model applied to Visibility Competition on Online Social Networks | International Conferences | 2014 |
The dynamics of mergers and acquisitions: ancestry as the seminal determinant | International Conferences | |
Revisiting Evolutionary Game Theory | International Conferences | |
A Game Theoretical study of Peering vs Transit in the Internet | International Conferences | 2014 |
A Structure-Based Topology Generator for the Internet’s Core | International Conferences | 2013 |
Network Formation Games with Heterogeneous Players and the Internet Structure | International Conferences | 2014 |
YouStatAnalyzer: a tool for analysing the dynamics of YouTube content popularity | International Conferences | 2013 |
Graph clustering based on mixing time of random walks | International Conferences | 2014 |
Distributed storage in the plane | International Conferences | 2014 |
Dynamic rate allocation in Markovian quasi-static multiple access channels: A game theoretic approach | International Conferences | 2013 |
Alpha current flow betweenness centrality | International Conferences | 2013 |
Pay few, influence most: Online myopic network covering | International Conferences | 2014 |
Information dissemination processes in directed social networks | International Conferences | 2014 |
"Programming" Social Collective Intelligence | International Conferences | 2014 |
Group Evolutionary Stable Strategy | International Conferences | 2014 |
Interplay of contact times, fragmentation and coding in DTNs | International Conferences | 2013 |
Coordination minority games in delay tolerant networks | International Conferences | 2013 |
Incentive mechanisms based on Minority Games in heterogeneous Delay Tolerant Networks | International Conferences | 2013 |
Evolutionary stable strategies in interacting communities | International Conferences | 2013 |
Bio-Inspired Models for Characterizing YouTube Viewco | International Conferences | 2014 |
Agent-Based Model for Internet Hub Formation | International Conferences | 2014 |
A Study on Traceroute Potentiality in Revealing the Internet AS-level Topology | International Conferences | 2014 |
When Traceroute Met BGP... How to Reveal Hidden Internet AS-level Connectivity with Portolan and Isolario | International Conferences | |
Peering vs Transit: a Game Theoretical model for Autonomous Systems connectivity | International Conferences | 2014 |
On the Achievable Rate in a D2D Cognitive Secondary Network Under Jamming Attacks | International Conferences | 2014 |
Cooperative Online Native Advertisement: a Game Theoretical Scheme Leveraging on Popularity Dynamics | International Conferences | 2014 |
Not Always Sparse: Flooding Time in Partially Connected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | International Conferences | 2014 |
A semi-dynamic model for competition over popularity and over advertisement space in social networks | International Conferences | 2012 |
A Study of YouTube recommendation graph based on measurements and stochastic tools | International Conferences | 2013 |
Emergence of Equilibria from Individual Strategies in Online Content Diffusion | International Conferences | 2013 |
Smartphone-based crowdsourcing for network monitoring: Opportunities, challenges, and a case study | International Journal | 2014 |
Precise Calculation of a Bond Percolation Transition and Survival Rates of Nodes in a Complex Network | International Journal | 2015 |
Epidemics in Interconnected Small-World Networks | International Journal | 2015 |
Nonconsensus opinion model on directed networks | International Journal | 2014 |
Correlation between centrality metrics and their application to the opinion model | International Journal | 2015 |
Personalized Page with Node-dependent Restart | International Journal | 2014 |
The Correlation of Metrics in Complex Networks with Applications in Functional Brain Networks | International Journal | 2011 |
Epidemic Outbreaks in Networks with Equitable or Almost-equitable Partitions | International Journal | 2015 |
Stationary Anonymous Sequential Games with Undiscounted Rewards | International Journal | 2014 |
S-BITE: A Structure-Based Internet Topology gEnerator | International Journal | 2014 |
Forecasting transitions in systems with high dimensional stochastic complex dynamics: A Linear Stability Analysis of the Tangled Nature Model | International Journal | |
Domination-time dynamics in susceptible-infected-susceptible virus competition on networks | International Journal | 2014 |
Algebraic Connectivity of Interdependent Networks | International Journal | 2014 |
Effect of the Interconnected Network Structure on the Epidemic Threshold | International Journal | 2013 |
Epidemic threshold in directed networks | International Journal | 2013 |
Epidemic threshold and topological structure of susceptible-infectious-susceptible epidemics in adaptive networks | International Journal | 2013 |
A comparative analysis of spatial Prisoner's Dilemma experiments: Conditional cooperation and payoff irrelevance | International Journal | 2014 |
Quick detection of nodes with large degrees | International Journal | 2014 |
Evolutionary forwarding games in delay tolerant networks: Equilibria, mechanism design and stochastic approximation | International Journal | |
A Novel Methodology to Address the Internet AS-level Data Incompleteness | International Journal | |
Improving the Reliability of Inter-AS Economic Inferences Through a Hygiene Phase on BGP Data | International Journal | 2014 |
Discovering the geographic properties of the Internet AS-level topology | International Journal | 2013 |
Epidemic outbreaks in two-scales community networks | International Journal | |
Confidence Intervals for the Shapley–Shubik Power Index in Markovian Games | International Journal | 2013 |
Evolutionary games | International Journal | 2013 |
Paradoxes in Semi-Dynamic Evolutionary Power Control Game: When Intuition Fools You! | International Journal | 2013 |
Parallel k-Clique Community Detection on Large-Scale Networks | International Journal | 2013 |
The robustness of interdependent clustered networks | International Journal | |
Non-consensus Opinion Models on Complex Networks | International Journal | 2012 |
Entangled Economy: an ecosystems approach to modeling systemic level dynamics | International Journal | 2012 |
Distributed k-core decomposition | International Journal | 2012 |
Beta Current Flow Centrality for Weighted Networks | Book Chapter | 2015 |

Latests Presentations
Testing network reciprocity in laboratory experiments with human subjects
Multi-strategy game as a complex system
Altruism in Groups: An Evolutionary Games Approach
The CONGAS European Project in Complex Systems
Game theory and programming social collective intelligence
Valuetools tutorials for CONGAS members
Dynamic game models in complex systems
A video tutorial on Analysis of Social Networks, Venezuelian Informatics School (EVI), in Eng. department, ULA, Venezuela, 30 Sept - Oct 4, 2013.